7 Inspiring Quotes for Busy Days

Some days we all just need a little pick me up - a reminder that even on our busiest days when life feels like it’s just too much, we’re still pretty awesome. It kind of comes with the whole human thing.

One thing I love to do is collect quotes. Maybe it’s the word person in me, but I would like to think that we can all get value out of hearing that other people have been where we are and have gotten out/up/figured something out.

So I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes when it’s that kind of day. It’s not always Monday, either! If you, like me, enjoy being surrounded by beautiful words, feel free to write them on a Post-It note for encouragement around your workspace.

No matter what today brings, or tomorrow, you’re worth taking a moment to breath. I see you, I feel you, you can get through this.

Even a little effort makes a difference! Your biggest dreams start with trying a little bit and taking small steps.

When you feel overwhelmed in the moment, take a deep breath in and slowly let it out. The only thing you have to do right now is decide what one small thing to do next. You can do this.

This busyness will not last forever. It will pass and you’ll get to where you want to be. Remind yourself that this discomfort is a temporary stepping stone.

Your dreams aren’t too big. Like Marie Forleo says, “Everything is figureoutable.” Keep taking small steps forward and remember what you’re working toward.

Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith and let the universe show you what’s next. (Believe me when I say my anxiety brain HATES that this is true…but it is.)

Everyone has their own definition of what a happy life is. Whether your busyness is because of work or the season of life you’re in, you can choose to be happy with the small things each and every day. You are the one who makes that decision.

We need money to survive, but as cliché as it is, money isn’t everything. Beyond living comfortably, there are plenty of other things that make life beautiful when you create time to step away from the stress and busyness we all face from time to time (some of us more than others).