Book Review: You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero (2017)

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When you read You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero, you discover what’s been holding you back from making the money of your dreams, and how to achieve financial success. It shows you how to reset your mind and puts you in a good space to start making more money now. Sincero’s voice is delightful and instructive, and the book comes complete with chapter exercises, to help you figure out your own path to success. If you’re ready to start living the life you want, and making the money you dream of, this is a must read!

Content & Message

The premise of the book is that we need to change the way we think about money in order to start making money. A big component of creating a new money mindset is changing our inner monologue and the way we talk about money. 

We can easily swap negative phrases, like “Money is the root of all problems” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and replace them with more positive phrases, like “Money is great because it pays my bills!” or “Money is all around me.” 

This may seem like a hard sell on its own - after all, money doesn’t grow on trees, right? While that part is true, a positive money mindset and adding new language surrounding money can do a heck of a lot for attracting money into our lives. We need to believe these things that we’re saying for them to work. 

As Sincero says, it may seem weird or awkward to us at first, but when we keep repeating these affirmations, eventually it will be second nature and money will become more present in our lives.

 Worrying is praying for stuff you don’t want”(126). 

By focusing our thoughts on what we want instead of worrying about what we don’t, we can change how we view the world and opportunities will open up for us. 


Sincero also points out that it isn't enough to just say positive money mantras or affirmations, but we also need to think about them, and take actions to bring more money into our lives. One action we can do easily that Sincero offers as an exercise is place money around living space. Seeing money around us every day reminds us that it’s accessible and surrounds us, even when we can’t see the tangible proof.

In each chapter of the book, Sincero includes a success story of someone who has utilized the exercises she talks about in the chapter. The regular everyday people in the stories have succeeded in bringing money into their lives, which shows us that we, too, can be like Sincero and draw in an abundance of money - if we have the right mindset.

As hard as it is, we do have to remember to be patient, and while we can feel free to ask or attract for whatever our hearts desire, it may not come in the way we expect. We must be open to possibilities and change. Sincero discusses the fear of change and taking big risks that are bound to make us uncomfortable. 

It’s these risks that get us the biggest results, though, and we can rest assured that Sincero has been around the block more than once. It’s not her first rodeo, and we learn about the risks she took to get where she’s at today. Getting out of our comfort zone is the only way to live a better life, like the one of our dreams.

 We’ve been raised to believe that you have to work hard to make money...but the real secret is you have to take huge, uncomfy risks (9).

If you read this book, follow through with the exercises, and continue to keep up with them, money should, theoretically, begin to flow into your life. While it’s tempting to choose one or two new habits, try them out for a while, and give up when we see no results, the key to success is to create a habit. 

The key to money mindset and financial abundance - according to Sincero - is to utilize all the new habits. Each one is important to finding success. 

You can get rich too. You are mighty and magnificent beyond measure, grasshopper. You are meant to follow your desires. You are meant to blossom into the fullest expression of your unique and fantabulous badassery. You are meant to be rich (267).

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Biggest Takeaway

Change starts within ourselves. If we aren’t willing to step out of our comfort zone, put in the work, and believe it’s possible, we won’t be able to change our lives and start making more money. 

Change your mind, change your life (208). 

There are many great exercises and ideas to help us with changing our old, money blocking mindset. For instance, listing your negative thoughts about money, figuring out where they came from, and rewriting new truths. 

If you really focus on doing the work and making the effort to change your mindset, this book will change your life.

Overall Impressions

This is an awesome book, not just because it teaches us a new way to think about money, but also because it changes the way we think. We can apply these lessons about money to all the areas of our lives. In fact, this isn’t her first book about mindset! Check out this review of Sincero’s first book You are a Badass (2013) to read more about her work (and get another major confidence boost). 

The book is set up logically, with the text of the chapter explaining the money making tactic followed by a success story and a set of exercises to complete. I love it! Taking in the information this way, I could immediately apply the ideas I just learned and put them to use. If it was just a text or just a workbook, it would be easy to let the reading fall forgotten into the shadows.

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Why Writers Need this Book

Instills Confidence & Capability.

Jen Sincero is a writer and talks about how she was able to make money freelancing. Now she’s a multimillionaire who’s world renown for her coaching and writing. It goes to show that we all start somewhere - even the wealthiest and most famous among us! It also applies directly to us writers who haven’t yet hit the big time, which makes it feel less overwhelming to apply in our own lives. 

After all, if she can do it, so can we, right? 

In resetting our thoughts about money, we can also work on resetting our thoughts about our writing. Confidence can flow freely through our lives just as easily as money. 

Manifests Abundance.

Sincero discusses Universal Intelligence (also known as God and other life forces around us - whatever belief system you live by) and how we can shape our own realities. We can continually put into the universe - through thoughts, words, and actions - what we desire most. If we believe it and work hard for it, it will eventually become our reality. 

For example, as writers we can say “I am going to sell (#) books this week.” We write it down, repeat it in our mind, truly believe we can do it, put in the work to market our book, and it will come to fruition. The key is that we can’t just sit around waiting for things to happen, we need to make moves to help the universe bring about what we want.

Next Steps

There are a few steps to take next: 

  1. Get the book here. (Or here). Better yet, check your local library.

  2. Read the book & do the exercises

  3. Start utilizing your new money mindset.

My challenge to you is to read this book and commit to trying a new money mindset.

Have you read this book? Did you complete the exercises? Which proved most useful to you? I’d love to hear about your experiences! Find me on social media or drop a comment below.

Let’s chat because you, my friend, are on your way to great reading & writing.