Storytelling is an Art, but Writing is a Skill

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Sometimes as we read or write, we notice that there’s a big difference between telling a story and the process of writing. Most of us have probably read a book and thought “this is great writing, but the story just isn’t there” or perhaps, “this story was amazing, but the writing... not so much.” Good storytelling and good writing don’t always mean the same thing. 

What is Storytelling? 

Storytelling is the act of speaking/telling or writing a story. It started as oral history: people passing their stories on to others. Folktales are an example of a type of story often passed on through verbal storytelling. Stories have a way of connecting people to each other, and to the culture around them. 

Since its origin, storytelling has developed into many more modes of delivery and consumption. These days, storytelling can include visuals, audio, written words, and videos. It can also utilize more than one mode at once sometimes called multimodal or multimedia writing. An example of multimedia storytelling is picture books, which include both words and images. Movies are also a great example, as they start with a written script which is then transformed via voice, human movement, and words into a movie or TV show. 

Storytelling drives creative writing. Without the story to back up your writing, the words lose their meaning and influence. The writing becomes analytical or scientific rather than creative. Interestingly, analytical writing can become creative if good storytelling is integrated well. 

What is Writing? 

Writing started as a way to record information. It began as a tool for remembering facts, history, and events, more than for telling stories - after all, people could remember stories through oral history. It didn’t matter as much if the stories changed a little over time, but it did matter if events and facts were changed. 

In the digital age, there are many types of writing. For example, manuals, guides, and textbooks are all writing, but so are new articles, magazines, and blog posts. Even social media is writing! Some are based in storytelling, and some are not. Storytelling isn’t necessary for all types of writing.

There aren’t as many modes of writing as there are for storytelling. It has to be written, with words or images. These days, we can also include audio and video, because many stories are taken from the written word and turned into audiobooks. On the other hand, technology also allows people to tell their stories and they can later be written down and/or recorded.

Unlike storytelling, writing doesn't necessarily have to create a story. It can be creative, but ultimately, writing is a means to communicate. It’s another way to connect people to people, but it also connects ideas to people. 

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How are Storytelling & Writing Related?

In creative writing, writing and storytelling must be intertwined. We can’t write a creative piece without some aspect of storytelling because it’s the storytelling that drives the plot and story development. 

Whether we are writing books, poems, a magazine article, or some other form of creative writing, there’s always a story behind the piece. It drives a book and keeps the reader wanting more. It anchors a poem to a time, place, or feeling and gives the readers insight into a story in fewer words. 

People’s stories are what drive news stories or magazine articles. Without people telling their stories, magazines would really only be ads and products for sale - and even those have stories in them! 

Storytelling makes writing compelling.

Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, a good story takes the pressure to be perfect off of the writing. Many people will forgive a book for having not-so-good writing if the story is great. It’s much harder to get into a book with really great writing if it lacks an intriguing story to go along with it. 

It can be more difficult to learn good storytelling than good writing, but it’s necessary for skilled creative writing. The reason writing is more easily learned is because it’s a skill that follows rules and guidelines. It can analyze and check boxes. Storytelling sometimes throws those rules out the window, though, which can be harder to accept and master for those of us who thrive on keeping everything orderly.

Not all writers are great storytellers, and that’s okay! Not everyone is meant to be a storyteller. That doesn’t mean they can’t be a good writer, though. There are numerous ways to be a writer without being a good storyteller. For instance, articles and blog posts utilize stories, but they are typically more about telling our own story or someone’s story who you know. You don’t have to come up with entire worlds out of thin air. The main goal of a blog or news article is also to provide information to your reader, not about taking them out of reality in a fantastical world.  

As long as the information is delivered in a well-written and understandable manner, that’s really what matters. The story is an interest point to keep readers entertained. 

The bottom line is that if you want to be a writer, it’s possible!

There’s always time to learn the skill of writing and follow your dreams. You can also learn to be a storyteller, but understand that it will take more time, research, and an abundance of practice to accomplish. 

Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back from going after your dreams. There are many books, classes, and coaches to help you with accomplishing your goals. All you have to do is ask for a little help. 

I challenge you to write a story. 

What did you write? How did it go? Is creative writing what you want to do, or are you more of an analytical writer? I’d love to hear about your experiences and recommendations! Find me on social media or drop a comment below.

Let’s chat because you, my friend, are on your way to great writing.